The Michigan Association of Regions is a state association of the fourteen (14) regional councils in Michigan. MAR consists of a policy board of local elected and appointed officials that meets periodically to discuss regional policy issues and programs, and adopts legislative positions. MAR also has an Executive Directors Committee that meets monthly. Member services consists of advocacy of regional programs, training and education, research, membership surveys, networking, as well as liaison to national associations, including the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) and the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO).
The purpose of MAR is to:
- Establish communication and provide relevant information for and between state-designated planning regions;
- Discuss community challenges and problems of mutual interest and concern, and will collaboratively develop policy recommendations to further the interests of state-designated planning regions;
- Act as a single point of contact for state and federal government to reach regions and to develop a policy-level relationships;
- Act as a mechanism by which state-designated planning regions can establish common standards and practices for its members;
- Act as an advocate for the advancement of state-designated planning regions;
- Act as a resource for planning expertise in Michigan.